Louie's Voice has a special program called the Autism Aware Campaign. We are reaching out to all of our first responders in the Delaware Valley including police, fire and EMTs. Louie's Voice is offering training that will instruct all personnel on how to best interact and deal with a crisis situation or with the special needs individual, specifically nonverbal.
Louie's Voice is also offering Awareness decals. This decal has a special barcode that anyone can scan and be taken to our website, which will include various different ways and tips on how to best interact with the special needs individual. The decal is free.
In order to facilitate this training and the production of this awareness campaign, we are seeking corporate sponsors who would like to be engaged in our local communities, which will include the special needs arena, as well as police, fire and local responders. For more information on our campaign and how you can receive training and the decal, please fill out the contact form below. Thank you for helping us to “make lives better”
Just a five dollar donation would be most greatly appreciated and help us with our mission. Package pricing for the stickers are available, please use the contact form for any questions.
To make a five dollar donation and receive your Louie's Voice Autism Aware sticker, please Click Here or on the image below.

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you regarding training.